Compilation of User Concerns Regarding HitBTC

Introduction of Inactivity Fees Without Notice

Users have reported that HitBTC implemented inactivity fees without adequate notification, leading to the depletion of their assets. No warnings or emails were sent out to inform users of these changes, perceived by many as a form of theft.

Date of experience: December 01, 2023.

Allegations of Misleading Practices and Dissolution Concerns

Concerns have been raised about HitBTC's operational integrity, including misleading practices regarding their status and jurisdiction, as well as the eventual dissolution of the company as reported by regulatory bodies.

Relevant dates: Ongoing concerns with a specific reference to the dissolution on July 4, 2023.

KYC Information Misuse and Selling Allegations

There have been allegations of KYC information misuse, with claims that user data could be sold on the dark net. Such actions raise serious privacy and security concerns for users of the exchange.

Date of experience: May 22, 2021.

Problems Withdrawing DOGE and Other Cryptocurrencies

Users have experienced significant issues when attempting to withdraw DOGE and other cryptocurrencies, with some suspecting that the exchange may not have sufficient funds to cover withdrawals.

Date of experience: October 11, 2021.

Withdrawal Delays and Fee Issues

There are multiple reports of withdrawal delays and unreasonable fees imposed by HitBTC, affecting user trust and causing financial losses.

Relevant dates span from 2021 to 2023.

Customer Support and Communication Failures

Negative feedback has been given regarding HitBTC's customer support, including unresponsive or unhelpful service, and failure to address user concerns effectively.

Various dates of experience highlight an ongoing issue.

Note: This document is based on user reports and does not constitute an exhaustive investigation. Readers are advised to conduct their own research and due diligence.